Saturday, January 16, 2010

Apparently, It Takes One to Tango, Albeit Stupidly

It seems folks at the Detroit Auto Show are taking "test rides" in the Commuter Cars Tango. Zero to 60 in four seconds means the car is awesome, right? George Clooney bought the first one, so, we should all fawn over it, right?


These cars piss me off. It's basically a high-performance REVA G-Wiz, but in this thing, you can fit one person. It takes you 80 miles before you need to charge it. So, while it may take up less space and, if enough of them were purchased, like a few million, gas prices might budge a tiny bit (I'd wager by about two cents), it still needs charging probably several times a week. And from where does all that electricity come? Nearly all of it comes from burning coal. Coming from a guy whose old stomping grounds are in the cross-hairs of Big Coal and its mountaintop removal methods, this is unacceptable.

I hope cars like these are a fad in the same vein as laser discs. The Honda FCX Clarity, while likely as exciting as a calculus lecture, is a much better example for how we can preserve our natural resources. And it seats five.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! beautiful ride! I love! Thank you for posting it.
    Cold Air Intakes
